Thank you, The Great Ambini, for nominating us for the 2018 Sunshine Blogger Award!
Travel with The Great Ambini at:
What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?
The Sunshine Blogger Award is awarded to bloggers who inspire sunshine in the lives of their readers. Nominees are selected by fellow bloggers.

Nomination Rules:
Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
The Great Ambini's Eleven Questions For WanderFull
Question #1
The Great Ambini: What’s your favourite country been and why? WanderFull: My favorite country that I have visited is Italy! I attended school in Sorrento for a month visiting the surrounding region including Naples, Ischia, Pompeii, Solerno, Castellammare di Stabia, Piano di Sorrento... and fell in love with the land, the sea, and the people of Southern Italy.
Question #2
The Great Ambini: Who inspires you in the Travel community? WanderFull: I have been inspired by so many within the travel community! I love the welcoming, helpful nature of fellow travelers. Obviously, I am inspired by and grateful to The Great Ambini for nominating our humble, newbie, travel blog for the Sunshine Blogger Awards. I also find a great deal of inspiration reading blog posts on Twitter and Facebook, as well as the inspirational travel photography found on sites such as EyeEm. We also get a lot of inspiration from documentaries and travel videos such as Wild China, Rick Steves, and Travel With Kids. Locals provide a vast wealth of travel inspiration with their own "must see" advice. One of my favorite Italian locals was hiking guide to the Sorrento and Amalfi Coasts, Nino Aversa. First and foremost; however, I draw travel inspiration from my two beautiful children and my fantastic mother. They are great adventure buddies!
Question #3
The Great Ambini: Have you got any blogging tips? WanderFull: When traveling do not be afraid to converse with the locals. They have the 411 on the best things to see, do, eat, and experience. Talk to the chefs, the artisans, the Nonnas (Italian for grandmothers), and let them share what makes life in their region so special.
Question #4
The Great Ambini: Where is your favourite place to keep coming back to? WanderFull: I would gladly return to Italy every second of every day, but I also love Ireland. However, no matter where I may roam in this great big wonderful world there is always a special feeling of kinship and the deep roots of my heritage when I return home.
Question #5
The Great Ambini: What’s your favourite food you’ve eaten abroad? WanderFull: In Sorrento, I fell in love with a potato pasta dish called, Gnocchi Sorrentina. I also love a frozen lemon drink called Granita and of course, Gelato.
Question #6
The Great Ambini: What would you take to a desert island? WanderFull: My family, they would love it! I would also do extensive research on the island's sustainability of such a population and pack accordingly.
Question #7
The Great Ambini: When did you fall in love with travel? WanderFull: I have loved travel from the time I was old enough to know what it was. I have had a travel "bucket list" from childhood.
Question #8
The Great Ambini: Which is the best airline you’ve flown with?
WanderFull: American Airlines
Question #9
The Great Ambini: What’s your guilty pleasure? WanderFull: Chocolate!
Question #10
The Great Ambini: What’s your next trip? WanderFull: This is still up for debate. I long to return to Italy ASAP, but may need to return to Scotland first for dissertation work before then. Time will tell.
Question #11
The Great Ambini: What’s the funniest story from one of your trips? WanderFull: My kids have nominated our funniest stories while staying in the beautiful village of Adare, Ireland. During our week stay, we got to know some of the locals and exchanged our funniest folklore stories from back home, which they got a big kick out of. The kids loved the Adare playground where they pushed each other on a zip line for the first time and my daughter squealed with a mixture of fear, elation, and delight causing all around to light up with smiles and laughter. The kid's favorite funny moments; however, were feeding the ravens bread in the park. The hilarious antics of the birds in order to catch the bread pieces mid-air resulted in a lot of great memories.

WanderFull's 2018 Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees
(Note: Nominees are not numbered / listed in any particular order of rank / favoritism.)
1) Rock King World at https://www.facebook.com/RockKingWorld/.
4) The Passport Kids at https://www.thepassportkids.com/.
5) Wanderlust Us at http://www.wanderlustus.co.uk/.
6) Travel Past 50 at https://travelpast50.com/.
7) Find the Map at https://findthemap.com/.
8) Life With Nerds at https://lifewithnerds.com/home/.
9) Head For Horizons at https://headforhorizons.wordpress.com/.
10) Kids and Compass at https://www.kidsandcompass.com/.
11) Mike Pole at http://www.mikepole.com/.

WanderFull's Sunshine Blogger Award 2018 Nominee Questionnaire
1. What/Where is the most inspiring place you have ever visited?
2. Where, in your opinion, is the most beautiful place in the world?
3. What are your top recommendations for historical/heritage sites?
4. What are your top recommendations for museums/exhibits/zoos/parks?
5. What are your top recommendations for free family friendly activities/places to visit?
6. What is your best piece of travel advice?
7. What was your most interesting or tasty food travel experience?
8. What is your favorite part of traveling?
9. What is your least favorite part of traveling?
10. What are your favorite sources for travel research/info?
11. What do you feel is your best travel story?

Best wishes to all the 2018 Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees!
This blog post was edited by Golden Words Editorial Services.