Nashville, Indiana rocks and no place more so than the Copperhead Creek Gem Mine at the Brown County Rock and Fossil Shop! Visitors of all ages can join in the fun of mining for semi-precious stones, arrowheads, and fossils. Don't want to get your hands dirty? There is still loads of fun to be had admiring the many beautiful and interesting rocks and fossils inside the shop. For more details, such as pricing and hours, visit: http://www.visitbrowncounty.com/mine.asp. We had a blast and know you will too!

Looking for a place to eat, stay the night, or have more fun? Visit: http://www.visitbrowncounty.com/. WanderFull Kids recommend eating at The Artist Colony Inn, Muddy Boots Cafe, or Harvest Moon Pizzeria. Afterwards try one of Nashville's great candy or ice cream shops!

WanderFull Kids rates this place/activity as a five star WanderFull experience!
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