"By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond. Where me and my true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond."

"O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road, An' I'll be in Scotland afore ye; For me and me true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond."

"'Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen, On the steep, steep side o' Ben Lomon', Where in deep purple hue the Hieland hills we view, An' the moon comin' out in the gloamin'."

"O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road, An' I'll be in Scotland afore ye; For me and me true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond."

"The wee birdies sing and the wild flow'rs spring, And in sunshine the waters are sleepin'; But the broken heart it kens nae second spring again, Tho' the waefu' may cease frae their greavin'"

"O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road, An' I'll be in Scotland afore ye; For me and me true love will never meet again On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond."

Loch Lomond is a great place to visit for people of all ages. While there, we recommend viewing the loch by boat tour, visiting the Sea Life Aquarium, and grabbing a bite at Loch Lomond Shores. Our recommendation for boat tours is Sweeney Cruises, narrated by Scottish archaeologist and historian Neil Oliver. Not into group tours? Take a paddle boat out on your own or with a friend.

For more information on Sweeney Cruises, visit: https://www.sweeneyscruiseco.com/. For more information on the Sea Life Aquarium, visit: https://www.visitsealife.com/loch-lomond/.
For more information on Loch Lomond Shores, visit: http://www.lochlomondshores.com/.
For these and other photos of Loch Lomond by JL Musgrave, visit:

Loch Lomond song lyrics taken from: <a href="https://www.elyrics.net/read/c/celtic-folk-lyrics/loch-lomond-lyrics.html">this page</a>.
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