To walk the streets of Edinburgh's Royal Mile is to walk in the footprints of royalty and layman alike. Connecting Scotland's iconic Edinburgh Castle to the Queen's official Scottish residence at Holyrood Palace, The Royal Mile is a stroll back in time. The following is a selection of photographs showing some of our favorite sites along the way.

Edinburgh Castle
Start your journey off with this magnificent fortification. Built sometime during the 12th century, Edinburgh Castle is filled with museums, royal living quarters, prisons, a church, and modern cafes.
For more information on Edinburgh Castle, visit: https://www.edinburghcastle.scot/.

The Hub
The Hub is a converted church, built from 1842-45, that serves today as a uniquely, beautiful, event venue.
For more information on The Hub, visit: http://www.thehub-edinburgh.com/.

St. Giles' Cathedral
St. Giles' Cathedral's stunning architectural beauty makes this a must see for any stroll along The Mile.
For information on St. Giles' Cathedral, visit: https://www.stgilescathedral.org.uk/.

John Knox House
The historic residence of Scottish religious leader John Knox.
For more information on John Knox House, visit:

The World's End
Thirsty? Stop in for refreshment at the famous World's End.
For more information on The World's End, visit: http://www.scotlandspubsandbars.co.uk/location/the-worlds-end/.

Canongate Kirk
Though we were not able to go in during our visit, the external beauty of the Canongate Kirk was a pleasant surprise along the way.
For more information on Canongate Kirk, visit: https://www.canongatekirk.org.uk/.

Scottish Parliament Building
The new Scottish Parliament Building was opened in 2004. Its unique modern architecture is in stark contrast to its historic surroundings.
For more information about the Scottish Parliament, visit: https://www.visitparliament.scot/.

The Queen's Gallery
Opened in 2002, The Queen's Gallery is adjacent to Holyrood Palace and displays the Royal Collection.
For more information on The Queen's Gallery, visit: https://www.royalcollection.org.uk/visit/the-queens-gallery-palace-of-holyroodhouse.

Holyrood Palace
The Palace at Holyroodhouse is the official Scottish residence of the Queen and marks the end of The Royal Mile.
For more information on Holyrood Palace, visit: https://www.royal.uk/royal-residences-palace-holyroodhouse.

For more information on Scotland's Royal Mile, visit:

For these and more photos of The Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland by JL Musgrave, visit:

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